Monday, August 15, 2016


Is This The Oldest Addiction?

Could it be that the oldest addiction known to mankind is so obvious that it has been ignored as an addiction for thousands of years? To add insult to injury, just about every person on this planet has this addiction!

People are addicted to thinking.

It is a serious condition – we do it all the time. When we try not to think, we think. While we are thinking about something, we catch ourselves thinking about something else. When totally caught up in doing something, we find ourselves thinking about other things. Even when we sleep, we find ourselves thinking. 

Thinking is an ability that we take for granted. Yet, when we are confronted by questions about thinking, we realize that there is very little we actually know about thinking.

Questions like:

What have you done with your thoughts today?

What have your thoughts done with you today?

Where do thoughts come from?

What is the energy behind thinking?

How is it that I cannot always control my thinking?

Thoughts seem to have a mind of their own, going places without any provocation at all. Running around in circles, yet never coming back to where you want them to be. Only to jump into another direction without any cause…..

Well, the theory is that we should rather work with this as an addiction and stop trying to control it. Similar to any other addiction, any attempt at controlling it will inevitably lead to a conflict and the more you resist, the more it will persist. Instead, begin to play with the thoughts. This leads down a playful path that everybody can do. Yet it does not end there.

The theory takes this further. The assumption is that thoughts cannot be controlled, but they like to be played with. And by playfully engaging with your thoughts, you actually begin to manage them. How to do this is described by the WYTIWYG Theory – a new book on the market. And this is only the beginning of an adventure of discovery about Thought, Thinking and the Magic and Miracles you can perform with the energy that lies within and beyond thought and thinking. 

The WYTIWYG Theory is a theory about the power of thought and thinking, a theory that we have the ability to manage our thoughts and thereby possess the power to do magic and create miracles. Because What You Think Is What You Get.

Of course this book is an adventure of discovery – not totally unique, yet similar to no other. This addiction to thinking is permanent, and the power it unlocks is unlimited. Both constructively and destructively alike. The focus of the theory is on the constructive energy and power of thinking and how to understand it, how to work with it, and how to do miracles and magic with it - for yourself and for your world.
The WYTIWYG Theory

( What You Think Is What You Get )

Heine Wentzel

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The balance within you.

When I think of balance, the words of Albert Einstein comes to mind : In order to keep your balance, you've got to keep on moving. It is applicable to all areas of life, because of the simple fact that everything keeps on changing. And we should keep on moving within that that change.
The appropriate place to start form, is within yourself, of course. The issue of balancing your thoughts and behavior is not only a major challenge, it seems to be something that remains out of reach for most people. To me it boils down to the relationship you have with your body and environment.  
Of course your body needs proper nutrition in order to be in balance. Natural health and a healthy diet obviously form the basis of healthy nutrition. Low carb diets for quick weight loss - should you need it - is absolutely essential. Funnily enough, in a world where there is enormous quantities of food available, we seem to prefer to eat food that is not good for us. Only when it becomes obvious that our bodies are not balanced, we seem to focus our attention more on "getting back into shape". This is when "weight loss diet" and "lose belly fat" program starts to become important.....
It is never too early or too late to start focusing on a healthy lifestyle. Natural health is there for all of us to enjoy, but then we must take the issue of balance seriously. What it boils down to, is this: Just make the decision. Decide that balance is important, and start doing things that will result in a healthy lifestyle.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Going Green

Yes - the Go Green issue is real popular nowadays. There is a reason for it, a good reason. Going Green means that the people of this planet is realizing that our actions and the way we act are destroying our planet. We are really trying, aren't we? Well, destruction has been part pf human behavior for thousand of years. The Second World War is a good example of the effectiveness of our ability destruction.

But the current state of the planet is the result of much more destructive behavior over the ages. Its is generally  accepted that we cannot carry on with this destructive behavior. And it is not acceptable to reason that the problem is too large for a single person to make a difference.

Never in the history of humankind has so much effort been put together to start to slow down the effect we have on the planet. Billions and billions of dollars are being spent on the effects of global warming, reducing carbon footprints, planting trees, just to mention a few.

How can we as individuals make our contribution to this effort? Well, we can look at alternative energy at a level most of us can afford. Going Green is a personal, individual issue. Just take a look at some of the small things we can do, and just do it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Fresh start

Today I am making a fresh start - well as far as my e-commerce activity is concerned.

I found (actually it came to me) something on the internet that draws my attention. I mean it really draws my attention. It is something Tom Bell has put together for a friend to enable her to make a living online.

I am going to get involved and implement the best way I can. This will lead me to where I really want to be : to generate a good income online. Financial freedom is such a cliche, but I would really like to be free to do what I want to when I want to, without thinking about how I am going to afford it.

Watch this space ............